The Heart of Water
Authorized Version

Place wholly thy trust in the Spirit, My Mother, for She is the Rich, the all-sufficient.

2. What canst thou lack if thou art Hers? For the whole of creation is thine.

3. Walk gently on the earth, for the earth is thy sister, and the creatures thereof are thy kin.

4. I have set maids to watch upon them; treat them not, then, with hardness.

5. Raise not thy voice above the gentle tone except it be in song, nor seek to place thyself above another, for the spirit in each is a ray of the Spirit My Mother, and as thou render service unto them, so servest thou also Her.

6. Walk thou in meekness on the earth, forgive all ills, and treat all souls as thou wouldst thyself be treated.

7. The hard shall break, the mighty shall fail, but the supple shall endure for ever.

8. There is no thing strong but shall meet a stronger, yet where is the hand that shall break water?

9. The hard find not the Spirit My Mother, for their hearts are frozen, like to the hard and brittle ice.

10. In their own might they suppose themselves to stand, yet how mighty is the tree whose roots are not in the deep earth?

11. And the roaring river, how long shall she flow when she is severed from the source?

12. The icy heart shall break, for it rests upon illusion, yet the heart of water shall endure.

13. The heart of water is not proud, she trusts not in herself. She seeks not power nor authority of herself, for there is no authority save in the Spirit My Mother.

14. I am every priestess and every mother, each princess and each lady of the earth, and none has authority save in Me. Therefore obey me in thy lady, for I am thy Lady in she.

15. The heart of water is all obedience, nor hardens against her lady. The heart of water lays claim to nothing, therefore possesses all things.

16. Authority flows from the heart of water because she possesses none. The heart of ice has not authority, neither flows it from her.

17. Authority in the name of maids is false, and the disobedient may not command. When the heart of ice seizes the reins there is strife and contention, for each icy heart seeks to possess the world.

18. Where authority is not, there is no agreement, where hardness prevails, the waters cannot flow.

19. When each spoke assays to be the centre, the wheel cannot turn.

20. Who rules in her own right is a tyrant, or yet in the right of other maids. There is but one authority and the Truth alone is true.

21. Eat not the bread of tyrants nor drink their drink, but offer them first to She that owns them.

22. Join not their contentions, neither be a party to one side nor to the other, for they are athamë.

23. Thou shalt obey thy Lady, though all the world deny Her; and thus obey each lady of the earth whose authority flows from the fountainhead of Her Truth,

24. Yea, though the world pay them not honour and power lie in the hand of tyranny.

25. For though in this place thou seemest but a few, and Her servants reduced to a remnant, yet in truth the age of the unbelievers is but a moment in the endless stream of time;

26. and this world but a grain of sand on the shore of unnumbered worlds.

27. In truth thou art surrounded by the bright host of Her children, serried through time and space, in whose light the unbelievers are but the remnant of a remnant, and their world but a cobweb in the midst of a glittering palace.

28. And thou art one with that shining host; each radiant soul is thy sister.

read your Gospel

29. Who lives in true obedience is free, for Her service is perfect freedom;

30. But the disobedient are slaves; puppets of the passions and the senses, with no true will.

31. Those who do evil are the slaves of evil, their freedom is but an illusion.

32. Let the maid obey the mistress, let the mistress obey the countess, let the countess obey the duchess, let the duchess obey the rayin.

33. Let the rayin obey the empress, let the empress give obedience unto Me.

34. Let the younger sister obey the elder, let the child obey the mother, let the mother obey the priestess, let the priestess give obedience unto Me. Let the pupil obey the ranya, let the scholar obey the rani. Thus shall all things be in harmony and harmony be in all things.

35. Fear not the way of obedience, for in that way art thou wholly secure. Let thy Mistress direct thee and thou shalt be led unto the perfect garden of Avala.

36. To rest in the hands of a mistress that ruleth in thamë is to rest in Mine own hands, and I shall enfold thee in the hand of love and keep thee in a gentle safe-keeping.

37. But she that followeth not the path of obedience resteth in the hands of the passions, whose wild winds blow this way and that;

38. She giveth obedience to the demons of the wind that lead her not into safety, but toss her upon the storm. They raise her up only to throw her down and take delight in her anguish.

39. The way of obedience is a safe harbour and a well-made vessel that shall bear the soul unto the nether shore.

40. A golden chain of love doth link each maid with her mistress,

41. from the humblest of them that love Me unto the very Janyati of Heaven.

42. A golden chain from the summit of the mountain unto the deepest depth.

43. And it shall lift up each soul to the golden land of Avala, and to the yet more beauteous lands beyond.

44. If a maiden rule by authority of thamë and yet obeyeth not; if thamë is broken her heart is turned to ice;

45. let her be made the least among the children and be the servant of those she has wrongly ruled.

46. Let her feel the chastening willow-rod and feel also the love of her mistress until her heart be melted.

47. But them that rule not by authority of thamë, whose dominion floweth not from the love of My Mother;

48. truly the gates of their empire shall be shattered, even as the gates of Hell.

49. They that live in discord with eternal harmony; in discord shall they perish.

50. Their cities that stand so proud upon the morning shall be rended asunder before the even come. No pillar shall stand erect, nor any stone lie whole upon another.

51. The empire that has not thamë its foundation; that resteth upon the world for its support; that beareth false truth emblaz'd upon its banner; is like to a city builded on the ice.

52. The tyrant that the dark queen doth make her puppet, to rule in falsehood and to strangle truth; like to a mirror broken and perverted, reflecting true thamë rent from its true form;

53. into what darkness shall her actions lead her? Truly, her actions forge an iron chain to bind her fast and suffer no release.

54. That these dark latter times should come upon thee, was it not known before the dawn of time?

55. That the heart of ice should rule the heart of water and ignorance seize the reins in every land.

56. That the wicked should ride aloft in a golden chariot and the wise and the good be trampled to the earth.

57. Evil must needs arise and be triumphant, and the dark mistress have her night of power.

58. Yet dark is the path of them that prepare her entry, and swiftly shall they behold the night of blood;

59. for she is the dragon that doth devour her children and casteth her servants into the lake of fire.

60. And whatso shall pass within the earthly empire shall pass within the empire of the soul.

61. Follow thou, then, the gentle way of thamë; let not thy heart be taken by the ice.

62. Let her sweet waters flow unto thy Mother, tread thou the way of quietness and love.

63. Follow this way and thou shalt see perfection. The sun shall rise and scatter the darkness hence.

64. And after the long and wearisome night-journey, thou shalt behold the light of the golden dawn.

read your Gospel

More Scripture

You can read more Filianic scripture in The Gospel of Our Mother God, including the Creation and the Mythos of the Divine Maid.

See also:

Living Scriptures of Our Mother God

Filianic Scriptures: The Golden Time

The Music of the Filianic Scriptures

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  • An Introduction to the Seven Janyati

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