Thoughts of the Mind
Authorized Version

Thoughts of the mind pass not away, nor vanish into air.

2. For every thought is a builder in the subtle world that lies about you.

3. Thoughts of beauty and of things of the Spirit refine and purify the soul, making her fair to look upon and graceful in her movements,

4. Uniting her with the universal music of eternity and gathering about her the servants of the Janyati.

5. But harsh thoughts harden the soul; coarse thoughts coarsen the soul; thoughts bound only to the things of clay burden the soul with heavy chains.

6. My children, I speak not in pictures, for truly these things are; and to be seen by all whose eyes may pierce the veil of illusion.

7. What maiden, receiving of her mother a fine and well-made house of well-wrought oak and stone and furnished by the skilful hand of love, will break the walls and furnishings, pour filthy waters into every place and bring swine to dwell in the most splendid chambers?

8. Will she not rather bring new things of beauty and precious works of love to add to those that lie already there?

9. Will she not keep away all dirt and defilement and protect it from all harm?

11. Knows she not that the thoughts of her mind pass not away, nor vanish into air?

12. Knows she not that every thought of greed, of hate, of lust, of anger is a scar upon her subtle body?

13. Sees she not that she surrounds herself with hateful things that are the forms of her thoughts?

14. Sees she not that evil demons harbour in these forms even as rats infest a dunghill?

15. And does she not know that when her mortal body is passed into the earth she will have no place wherein to dwell save in that subtle body her thoughts have so misshaped, and among the forms of her creation?

16. Let the soul rather fill her dwelling with the warmth of love and generosity, with the sweet, cool air of purity, with the flowers of simplicity, humility and gentleness.

17. Let her garden flow with the fountains of virtue and lie open to the sunlight of our Mother's love.

18. Let the soul lie only open and the sunlight will stream in, filling her with joy and warmth and beauty; for truly your Mother loves you and delights in giving Her grace.

19. Then be not bound by the world of clay, but turn your thoughts upon Eternity, and the path of light shall be made clear.

read your Gospel

20. Forget not the power of words, for a word has all the power of a thought and a thought has power to move the earth and the heavens.

21. Therefore speak not evil in idleness, nor fall into the custom of ill speaking; but govern your words even as your actions.

22. Speak words of love and innocence, of mildness and of hope, and you shall weave a raiment of peace about your soul, and a veil of gentle light.

23. Speak often prayers; speak them in the rhythm of your steps, attune them to the beating of your heart.

24. For She that governs the endless ages governs also the hour of every action. Let your voice call on Her in pure simplicity, for She is the Lady of the noontide and the Lady of the night, the Lady of the mountain and the valley.

25. Truly, the world is a field of conflict between the powers of good and the legions of the Dark One. In the cycles of civilizations is the conflict manifest, and in the soul of every maid.

26. For the servants of Dark One fasten upon the false self like to the bindweed upon a growing plant. And the radiant Janyati of heaven stand ready to defend the soul when she shall cry upon them.

27. Truly, there is nothing in the world of clay that happens of itself, for the veil of matter is shot through with the light of the Real and the darkness of the false.

28. And not a sparrow lights upon a twig but it shows forth the conflict between evil and the Good, nor any grain of sand shifts in the desert reflecting not some spiritual truth;

29. neither does a star fall in the farthest corner of the firmament without an inward meaning.

30. What then is the wisdom of this world, that knows the outward shows of things but not their inward truth?

31. The wisdom of the world is good for the world, but what when the world shall pass away?

32. If the navigator can no longer use her legs, how shall she fare when her vessel is cast up upon the shore?

33. Look without and you shall see within; look within and you shall see without.

34. For I am the inwardness of all things:

35. I am between the ripple and the water; I am between the music and the song; I am between the breathing and the breath; between the lightest word of greeting and the thought from which it flows.

36. You have stripped away layer after layer of the world to seek what lies within, and have found nothing at the centre; but I was between each layer and every other.

37. Break in two an apple seed and seek to find the tree that shall grow from it. You shall find nothing. Yet the essence of the tree is in the seed.

Even so am I in all things.

read your Gospel

More Scripture

You can read more Filianic scripture in The Gospel of Our Mother God, including the Creation and the Mythos of the Divine Maid.

See also:

Living Scriptures of Our Mother God

Filianic Scriptures: The Golden Time

The Music of the Filianic Scriptures

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  • An Introduction to the Seven Janyati

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